How To Attract Consistent Business All Year Round

Free 5-day LIVE course for service providers by service providers.

For Service Providers Serious About Growth & Ready To Go To The Next Level, Faster, With 2 Service Pros That Have Made Over $8 Million.

You're already making waves in your business,

but why stop there?

Here's the thing—many service providers are stuck in the opener act, trading time for money, battling client demands, and missing out on those dream vacations.

Your 5-Day VIP Experience

Join us for an exclusive 5-day live course where you'll uncover the secrets to:

  • Building multiple streams of lead generation like a pro marketer—think content that rocks and networking that rolls!

  • Utilizing tools like ChatGPT to ensure your marketing speaks directly to your fans (aka clients)!

  • Mastering follow-ups and outbound strategies that feel as good as getting an encore call!

  • Leveraging advertising to shine the spotlight directly on your services!

  • And much more!

Special Bonuses for Live Attendees!

  • Day 1: Score lifetime access to the replays (usually $47) just for rocking out with us live!

  • Day 2: Get a free copy of Gretchen's exclusive book on networking!

  • Day 3: Nab our premium DM and email templates for gathering show-stopping testimonials!

  • Day 4: Snag our non-sleazy DM scripts!

  • Day 5: Dive deep with free ads training inside our SOLD OUT program when you join live!

Who Are We?

We're not your average coaches. Gretchen and Shelby have been where you are, running actual businesses and netting over $8 million combined!

We're the real deal, seasoned pros who know what it takes to scale like a rockstar.

Why the heck should you trust us?

We aren't teaching you anything based on theory or ideas... we have been walking the walk and in the trenches building service based businesses.


Sales Calls

Collectively, we have had over 6,000 sales calls for our service based businesses.



That's right, more than 7,000 people have payed us.

4+ years

Avg client retention rate

Our clients stay with us for years.

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